Category Archives: Article

This category made for articles about technology and businesses

Tech News : Self-Healing Skin Developed For Robots

Hmm, where have we seen this before? Stanford University scientists have created a multi-layered, self-healing electronic skin for robots and prosthetics that has a sense of touch and can realign itself autonomously when cut. 

Layered Polymers 

The research team created the synthetic skin using thin layers of...

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Featured Article : Police Facial Recognition – The Latest

With the Metropolitan Police Services’ (MPS) director of intelligence recently defending and pushing for a wider rollout of facial recognition technology, we look the current situation, the likely way forward, and its implications. 

What Is Facial Recognition Technology? 

The kind of facial recognition technology called Live Facial...

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Tech Insight: Are Drone Wars Getting Closer?

With the UK, US, and Australian military trialling the use of ‘AI drone swarms’ that can overwhelm enemy defences, we look at whether drone wars could soon become a reality. 

UK Drone Swarm Trial 

The first UK military trial of...

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Tech Trivia : Did You Know? This Week in History …

Would E.T. Be Better Off With Zoom?

In the iconic movie E.T (1982), a memorable scene shows the alien rigging up a child’s toy (Speak & Spell) with an umbrella, a record player and other paraphernalia to make a makeshift intergalactic communicator, while uttering the unforgettable line “E.T. phone home.”

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