Category Archives: News

This category made for news about technologies

Tech Trivia : Did You Know? This Week in History …

July 1940 : "We Saw Them Coming"....

In July 1940, a Bristol Blenheim like this one was the first aircraft to successfully use radar to detect enemy aircraft, proving that radar could help provide an effective electronic defence whilst being deployed in the air.

It’s often been...

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Security-Stop-Press : Websites Hijacked Through WooCommerce Plugin Flaw

Wordfence warned that large-scale attacks are under way against a vulnerability (CVE-2023-28121) in the in the WooCommerce Payments WordPress plugin.

The flaw in the plugin, which is installed on over 600,000 sites, gives attackers authentication bypass so they can impersonate arbitrary users, and perform some actions, including as an administrator,...

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Tech Tip – Quick Access To Emojis

If you’d like a really fast way to find and use particular emojis on a Windows PC, here’s how:

- For example, in Microsoft Word, Press the Windows key + the full stop symbol on the keyboard.

- Keep typing the word that describes the emoji you’re...

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