Category Archives: News

This category made for news about technologies

Tech Insight : Considering Refurbished Mobiles?

In this insight, we look at what refurbished phones are, their pros and cons, things buyers may wish to consider when purchasing one, examples of where they can be purchased, and how refurbished phone retailers could help customers to choose their ideal refurbished phone.

What Is Meant By ‘Refurbished’?

Tech Trivia : Did You Know? This Week in History …

'Wireless World'

This week, on June 28th 1965, ‘Early Bird’ (Intelsat I) was activated. It wasn’t just another satellite; it was the first commercial communications satellite to be nestled in a geosynchronous orbit. This is where it ‘parked’  at 22,236 miles above the equator in the line of the earth’s rotation,...

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Tech Tip – Disable Read Receipts In WhatsApp

WhatsApp shows blue ticks to indicate when your messages have been read by the recipient. If you want to disable read receipts and prevent others from seeing when you've read their messages, you can turn off this feature. Here's how:

- Go to WhatsApp settings (the three dots, top right).

Featured Article: More People Follow ‘TikTok News’

With the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2023 showing TikTok now being the source of news for 20 per cent of 18–24-year-olds at the expense of news websites and apps, we look at where most people now get their news from and the reasons why. 

The Report 

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